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Welcome to the Redeemer Cafe, the BlogSite of the Anglican Church of the Redeemer, Chattanooga, Tennessee ! We are an Anglican Mission in America (AMiA) Church, and this site is a place for members, friends, or inquirers to make comments, share or seek news or information, make prayer requests, and to create an On-Line Community of the Body of Christ. So find a comfortable seat, share a warm cup of Rwandan Coffee with us, and lets chat for a while.
COMMON CAUSE - What does the Table Group think about the Anglican Mission in America's current and future participation in the North American COMMON CAUSE Alliance ?
Can we follow Network Chair Bp. Bob Duncan as Presiding-Bishop-Presumptive of the possible New North American Anglican Province ? Or should we remain more independent until the "dust clears?"
I do not think we have any choice but to participate as fully as possible without compromising Biblical principle unless we want to see traditional Anglicans scattering to the four winds. Also, if we want to have any input into what emerges from the dust cloud, we must participate. We can not afford to sit on the sidelines. That being said, there are significant obstacles to the formation of that new province, on Biblical principle, especially if the Continuing Anglican churches are to be brought in. With groups ranging from Anglo-Catholic to relatively moderate dioceses in the Network, I am not sure how it is going to come together. What is Common Cause going to do, form a middle of the road group? That sort of thing got us into this mess. At some point, co-operation is going to crash head-on into Biblical principle with many groups. How can Common Cause ask them to compromise, even if they will consider it? That is what the reappraisers have been asking us from the beginning. I would go into detail but I do not want to go off-topic.
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